Request a Petition

To petition the lodge for membership you will need to get the recommendation of two Master Masons.  At least one must be a member of Lake Harriet Lodge.  These brothers need to know you well enough to vouch for your honesty, integrity, purity of intention, and ability to assume the weighty task of initiation into the Masonic Order.  You can see an image of our petition form below. To ask about the next event at the lodge when you can meet one of the officers, call the lodge office at 612-927-5426, or email the Secretary.  We will happily mail you a petition and more information at your request. 

 Example of a Petition for Degrees of Freemasonry


Questions for Petitioners

You have taken the first step in your Masonic Journey by requesting a petition. Fill it out completely and have it signed by two brothers who are your sponsors. At least one has to be from Lake Harriet Lodge. Talk with the brothers when you visit for dinner or other events and ask them to endorse your petition After the form is complete, submit it in person or by post to the Secretary. Enclose a check in the amount of $425 to cover the petition and degree fees.

After that, the next step is the Investigation Process, an opportunity to become better acquainted and to make sure you are ready to enter the Masonic Order. Three brothers of the Lodge will contact you and meet you, preferable in you home, to speak with you and your family. The following are some questions for you to consider before those interviews:

  • Why do you want to join a Lodge of Freemasons?

  • Do you understand that you will be committing yourself to participating in the life of the Lodge and all its business aspects as well as its mission of bringing light (knowledge) ot it members? Will you faithfully attend meetings and social events of your lodge?

  • Do you understand that the purpose of Masonry is self-improvement and real inner initiation, in which you will experience a major change in your life? Are you willing to make its mysteries and teachings your lifelong study?

  • Are you prepared to grapple with big questions — Where did I come from? What am I? Where am I going? How can I be a better man?

  • Do you understand that the practice of charity is a part of self-improvement and thaat you are expected to make either financial donations or contributions of your time as a volunteer working within the Lodge and for its programs?

  • Do you understand that the principal duty of a Mason is to his Craft Lodge? Other degrees in the York Rite, Scottish Rite, or membership in the Shrine should not detract from your commitment to Ancient Craft Masonry. Joining other organizations should not be your primary motive for becoming a Free Mason.

  • Our expectation is that entrance into Freemasonry is a lifetime decision and journey; therefore, not to be taken lightly. Our Lodge dues are currently $175 per year and increase 6% annually. are you willing to fulfill both the personal and financial commitments your membership in Masonry entails?

  • All Masons are brothers and act as such, ready to help each other with friendship, time, and money if necessary. Are you prepared to help, aid, and assist all worthy brothers who ask for your help in need?

Are You duly and truly prepared to assume these obligations?