The Lodge by the Lakes
Building Better Men for a Better World Since 1913
“The secret of Freemasonry, like the secret of life, can be known only by those who seek it, serve it, live it. It cannot be uttered; it can only be felt and acted. It is, in fact, an open secret, and each man knows it according to his quest and capacity. Like all things worth knowing, no one can know it for another and no man can know it alone.”
- Bro. William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States
Kilwinning Lodge № 356 in Cincinnati, Ohio
"The mission of the Freemasons of Lake Harriet Lodge is to raise the moral, social, intellectual, and spiritual conscience of our membership by teaching the ancient and enduring philosophical tenets of Brotherhood, Relief, and Truth, which are expressed outwardly through service to God, country, family, and self under the Fatherhood of God within the Brotherhood of Man."
Value Statements:
Freedom – Freemasons champion the liberties and values outlined in the founding documents of the United States.
Integrity – Freemasons strive to be honest, truthful and reliable, living in an honorable and upright manner.
Tolerance – Freemasons embrace diversity of opinion, religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.