The Library at the Lodge by the Lakes


On this page we have collected links to Masonic publications and literature available in electronic format as well as reviews of books, articles, and collections of quotations.
Come visit our beautiful book cases in the renovated Club Room. Books may be checked out by signing the library card at the back of the book and depositing it in the plastic rack provided.  Please return your library books within one month so that others can enjoy them. We will be adding to the physical and electronic collections continuously and appreciate recommendations.

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William Preston and His Work by Colin Dyer.

The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation by Robert Lomas.

What Masonry Means by William Hammond (Reprint of 1939 classic).

Emulation Ritual by the Emulation Lodge of Improvement, London.

Emulation Working Today
 by Graham Redman.

Mozart the Freemason: The Masonic Influence on His Musical Genius by Jacques Henry. Translated by Jack Cain (Published in French in 1991).

Foreign Countries by Carl H. Claudy. This is a McCoy reprint of the 1925 edition.

Introduction to Freemasonry by H. L. Haywood.

Sections of the Library

E-Books and Book Reviews

Articles, Essays, and Periodicals

New Additions to the Online Library

One Hundred Years of Brotherhood: The Centennial History of Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277 A.F. & A.M of Minnesota. by Bro. James Maertens.

Ashlars: The Building Blocks of Fraternity by Bro. John Worlein.

"The Lost Symbologist: A Review of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol" by J.W. Maertens, Ph.D.

Plato's Phaedo.  A Socratic dialogue from Classical Greece bearing sparks of Masonic light. In the Philosophy section.

"The Meaning of Masonry: A Review Essay" by Bro. James W. Maertens, Ph.D. Lake Harriet Lodge #277.

"Master's Marks and Mark Masonry" by Charles Conover, edited and abbreviated from the original 1920 article in The Builder Magazine.